Family -5(Diptimayee Sahoo)

As on 31st march 2023

Although we had stopped work for the last five years and this family was inactive, from last January, we had started work and we had met them and we knew that the father of Diptimayee had passed away from last two years. We Condolence for this. We had discussed with the family and knew that they had again done an operation on the face of Diptimayee last year at AMIRI Hospital, Bhubaneswar, but only 10-30 % of the tumor had been eradicated. Although we want to bring them to medical again to continue her treatment, they are disappointed with the repeated operation and the doctor of AMIRI Hospital had told them that frequent operation and trying to cut more portions of the tumor is not good for her. Then we have also collected the opinion from the AIIMS doctor that the statement of the AMIRI hospital doctor is true. But AIIMS doctor advised us to bring the patent and as per doctor although they can not eradicated the full tumor as per the nature of the tumor, but as per need in time to time they can.So we have decided that we will support the family both for medical issue and 

For other rehabilitation of her.