Name: Raja Hansda(Jaga Hansda) (Male) aged around 8 years as on 31.12.2019

Child Case No: 64

Family Case No.: NA

(For detail background of the child, please see the database of children cases and family file.)

He had been seen by us at Balasore railway station in February-2018 when we had gone to search our two children Krishna Dalei(Child ID-29) and Kalpana Dalei(Child ID-30). He was living as a street child with his parents at Balasore railway station. As we had known that he along with Krisha Dalei and other two children named Duman(Child ID-62) and Rabi(Child ID-63) had been escaped from a CCI at Balasore, so we had produced them to the Balasore CWC and Balasore CWC had sent Raja, Rabi and Duman  to a CCI named Maguni Charana Balasharam, Mathani. We had tried continuously for 1 month to keep him at the CCI for his bright future by avoiding all the bad incidents of frequent escaping of these children. We had bought tunks, study materials, new dress etc.  to encourage  them also. We had also met his father and mother several times and had prepared Home Study Reports for him and had submitted it to the CCI. Although he had a good motivation to stay at a hostel, but with influence of Duman and Rabi he was also escaping from the CCI a number of times and finally on 21.5.2018 he was released officially by the CCI and the CWC. He had been missing for some months along with Duman. Then in October/November-2018 he was again placed by the same CCI by production to the Balasore CWC.  Then from the office of Balasore CWC we were informed regarding this news that he had been placed at the same CCI, but with another name Jaga Hansda. Then we are going to the CCI at regular intervals to meet him and are buying dresses,snacks, study materials etc for him to feel that he is having some people who are caring for him. We have also given an application to Balasore CWC through the concerned CCI to do one file and one name for Raja Hansda instead of maintaining two different files in CWC office. Currently we have gotten news that the father of Raja is no more from Sukanti Dalei(Family ID-27). But we have not given this news to Raja as we are not sure and we have not met her mother after getting this news. AS per Raja and Sukanata Dalei Raja has a Sister also and he is now at Puru

Purubai  Kanyashram, Soro, Balasore. 

School/College Admission Issue:

Hostel  Issue:

Hostel Issue ID-02

Paid Tuition Provide Issues:

Health/Medical Issues:

Basic Document generation Issues:

Legal Issues:

Legal Issue ID-14

Cultural Program Participation: